Registration date2020-02-18
Last visit2020-06-22
Forum posts0
Texts added25
Texts in Publixo.com
Volume: kolekcja (volume of poems)
TitleGenreDate addedRating
Kłamstwo poetry2020-02-21
Kiedy byłeś poetry2020-02-22
- no ratings -
Łóżeczko poetry2020-02-23
Wykład poetry2020-02-24
Amarenko poetry2020-02-26
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Majonez poetry2020-02-26
Autoanaliza poetry2020-02-27
- no ratings -
NIEUKA poetry2020-02-28
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Prosecco poetry2020-02-28
Kawa poetry2020-02-29
Lód w szklance poetry2020-03-03
Prosecco schłodzone (poprawione) poetry2020-03-03
- no ratings -
Budyń poetry2020-03-04
Fontanna poetry2020-03-05
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Miód poetry2020-03-05
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Plantago altissima poetry2020-03-06
Chwilka poetry2020-02-18
Sushi poetry2020-03-08
Fobiospis poetry2020-03-10
Lawenda poetry2020-03-12
- no ratings -
Volume: Geneza (volume of short stories)
TitleGenreDate addedRating
Początek podróży do Końca biography & memoirs2020-02-21
- no ratings -
Podróż biography & memoirs2020-02-22
- no ratings -
Chodź Kobieto biography & memoirs2020-02-23
Szczelnie zakleszczona biography & memoirs2020-02-24
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