Szukanie drogi w poezji
Number of texts73
Volume typevolume of poems
Date added2021-09-08
Last modification2022-05-15   11:03
Current version78
Linguistic correctness
Text quality
TitleGenreDate addedRating
Bez Żalu poetry2021-09-08
- no ratings -
Do człowieka poetry2021-09-10
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Moja chwila poetry2021-09-11
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Zaklęty w żabę fairy tales2021-09-12
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Miłość poetry2021-09-13
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Jesień poetry2021-09-14
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Jesienna piosenka poetry2021-09-15
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Ognisko poetry2021-09-16
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Ukryte wspomnienia poetry2021-09-18
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Wspomnienia poetry2021-09-19
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Przywołać uśmiech poetry2021-09-20
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Tęsknota za wierszem poetry2021-09-21
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Wszystkie chwile poetry2021-09-22
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Wojna poetry2021-09-23
- no ratings -
Cudze chwalicie... humor / grotesque2021-09-24
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Łzy poetry2021-09-25
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Pustka poetry2021-09-26
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Do czytelnika poetry2021-09-27
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Odchodząc... poetry2021-09-28
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Dla tych co byli wśród nas poetry2021-09-29
Noc wiary poetry2021-09-30
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Mgła poetry2021-10-01
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W sadzie poetry2021-10-02
Moja bajka fairy tales2021-10-03
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Zwątpienie poetry2021-10-04
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Czego szukam poetry2021-10-05
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Dam Ci... poetry2021-10-06
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Jesienna zaduma poetry2021-10-07
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Kochana ( inspiracja utworem Niemena 'Wspomnienie' ) poetry2021-10-08
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Niewypowiedziane słowa poetry2021-10-09
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Przygody na grzybach poetry2021-10-10
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Jestem poetry2021-10-11
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Jesienny wiatr poetry2021-10-12
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Duet poetry2021-10-13
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Rozczarowanie ( strofa saficka mniejsza ) poetry2021-10-14
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Wieczorny spacer poetry2021-10-15
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Żegnaj lato poetry2021-10-16
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Bagaż życiowych dni fairy tales2021-10-17
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Tajemnica kartki poetry2021-10-18
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Samotność poetry2021-10-19
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Październikowe wołanie poetry2021-10-20
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Piszę... poetry2021-10-22
- no ratings -
Wampirze troski humor / grotesque2021-10-24
- no ratings -
Od nowa poetry2021-10-27
- no ratings -
W pamięci poetry2021-11-01
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Wiara w marzenia poetry2021-11-03
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W zadumie poetry2021-11-05
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To takie proste poetry2021-11-09
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Ojczyzna poetry2021-11-11
- no ratings -
Jestem... poetry2021-11-13
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Opowiastka poetry2021-11-14
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Tęsknota za latem( z przymrużeniem oka ) poetry2021-11-23
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Pory roku poetry2021-11-26
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Czuwanie poetry2021-11-28
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Zagubiona miłość poetry2021-12-02
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Marzenia poetry2021-12-08
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Świąteczna gorączka poetry2021-12-21
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Choinka poetry2021-12-23
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Wigilia poetry2021-12-24
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Świąteczne życzenia poetry2021-12-25
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Kolejny rok poetry2021-12-30
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nowe poetry2021-12-31
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zły dotyk poetry2022-01-06
minione dni poetry2022-01-18
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List do babci poetry2022-01-22
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zniewolona poetry2022-02-24
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dlaczego płaczesz poetry2022-03-26
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Listopadowy dzień poetry2022-04-04
Jajo poetry2022-04-16
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Zmartwychwstanie poetry2022-04-17
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Historia pewnego lanego poniedziałku poetry2022-04-18
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pytam poetry2022-05-07
- no ratings -
Gdzie ta poezja poetry2022-05-15
- no ratings -
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