Registration date2013-05-18
Last visit2018-06-24
Forum posts0
Texts added25
Texts in Publixo.com
Volume: Licho (novel)
TitleGenreDate addedRating
Licho - Prolog. horror / thriller2013-05-18
Licho - Morderstwo Sołtysa horror / thriller2013-05-19
Licho - Tajemnice. horror / thriller2013-05-27
Licho. - Pierwsze spotkanie. horror / thriller2013-05-27
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Licho - Przed deszczem. horror / thriller2013-06-09
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Licho - Szaleństwo. horror / thriller2013-07-29
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Licho - Ucieczka horror / thriller2014-05-06
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Ars Moriendi horror / thriller2014-05-21
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świadomość to dziwka horror / thriller2014-12-14
Volume: Wszelakie. (volume of poems)
TitleGenreDate addedRating
Kraków poetry2013-06-30
Na ludzkie cierpienie. poetry2013-06-30
Wszystko do jednego wora. cz.1 humor / grotesque2013-07-29
Brak poetry2015-01-24
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Volume: Polowanie na Myśliwego. (novel)
TitleGenreDate addedRating
Bursztynowe Wzgórza. mystery & crime2013-07-09
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Bursztynowe Wzgórza cz. II mystery & crime2013-07-18
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Bursztynowe Wzgórza - Bosco mystery & crime2013-07-26
Bursztynowe Wzgórza - Prolog mystery & crime2014-04-03
Bestie mystery & crime2014-09-30
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Kiedy spoglądasz w otchłań... mystery & crime2014-10-14
Agata mystery & crime2014-10-14
Volume: Marsz do wodopoju. (novel)
TitleGenreDate addedRating
Marsz do wodopoju mystery & crime2015-01-04
Pro Bono mystery & crime2015-04-14
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Volume: Maya con dios (novel)
TitleGenreDate addedRating
Maya con dios common life2015-08-01
Wieczorową porą common life2015-08-21
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Centrum jego wszechświata common life2017-11-01
- no ratings -
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