Promyk świtu
Number of texts63
Volume typevolume of poems
Date added2024-06-06
Last modification2025-02-25   10:15
Current version70
Linguistic correctness
Text quality
TitleGenreDate addedRating
Miłość prawdziwa poetry2024-06-07
- no ratings -
Kalumnia prose poetry2024-06-08
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Godność łzy prose poetry2024-06-11
- no ratings -
Ten Obraz poetry2024-06-18
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W mozole Syzyfa poetry2024-06-22
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Gwiezdne ustronie prose poetry2024-06-25
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Peleryna prose poetry2024-06-06
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Ropuchy prose poetry2024-07-01
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Tecza poetry2024-06-28
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W nurcie zdarzeń prose poetry2024-07-03
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Wypłyń na głębię prose poetry2024-07-05
Krzyk dzwonu prose poetry2024-07-09
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Wolność macierzy poetry2024-07-12
Dzwon świątyni poetry2024-07-17
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Uchylone drzwi poetry2024-07-19
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Patrząc na pomnik poetry2024-07-29
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Na szali życia poetry2024-07-30
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Moc życia poetry2024-08-03
Na mojej granicy prose poetry2024-08-09
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Wygrane wojny poetry2024-08-17
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Mając dość prose poetry2024-08-20
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Szczyty prose poetry2024-08-26
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Opatrzność poetry2024-08-28
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Bóg prose poetry2024-09-05
Patrząc w Obraz poetry2024-09-07
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Pozdrowienie prose poetry2024-09-11
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Pochwała strości prose poetry2024-09-12
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Kłamstwo prose poetry2024-09-13
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Uczyńmy namioty prose poetry2024-09-16
Nie tracić nadziei poetry2024-09-17
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Ku wyzwoleniu poetry2024-09-21
W tym znaku poetry2024-09-25
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W mocy modlitwy prose poetry2024-10-03
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Przed obrazem prose poetry2024-10-09
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Tak dużo prose poetry2024-10-11
Klaskanie poetry2024-10-19
Skarb prose poetry2024-10-23
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Powołanie poetry2024-10-28
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Wolna wnęka prose poetry2024-11-07
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O krople oliwy prose poetry2024-11-09
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Przy Tobie prose poetry2024-11-14
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Ucho igielne poetry2024-11-22
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Głos wody poetry2024-11-28
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Czas Adwentu poetry2024-12-04
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Szczęść Boże poetry2024-12-07
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Katerdra Notre-Dame poetry2024-12-09
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Niepokalana Maryjo! poetry2024-12-07
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Głos wiatru poetry2024-12-14
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Nadzieja Rorat prose poetry2024-12-21
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Kolęda prose poetry2024-12-27
- no ratings -
Pielgrzym poetry2024-12-27
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Stary z Nowym poetry2024-12-31
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Błogosławieństwo prose poetry2025-01-10
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W mocy światła prose poetry2025-01-12
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Płoną lasy prose poetry2025-01-18
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Wezwanie prose poetry2025-01-25
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Chciałbym się zapytać prose poetry2025-01-28
Miłośnicy Prawdy prose poetry2025-02-06
Chleb i sól św. Agaty poetry2025-02-08
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Ku Prawdzie prose poetry2025-02-14
- no ratings -
Na ścieżce Prawdy poetry2025-02-19
- no ratings -
W biegu przez świat poetry2025-02-24
- no ratings -
Ryt dnia poetry2025-02-25
- no ratings -
Other volumes by this Author
TitleVolume typeNumber of textsDate added
Etos pielgrzymavolume of poems2002017-10-31
Ojczyste kwiatyvolume of poems2032018-02-09
Otwarta szufladavolume of poems2112019-08-15
Prowadzeni przez gwiazdę niebavolume of poems2112018-06-20
Blaski i cieniemiscellaneous1342019-03-20
Wolna przestrzeńvolume of poems2042020-10-28
To i owovolume of poems2202021-12-27
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