Wolna przestrzeń
Number of texts204
Volume typevolume of poems
Date added2020-10-28
Last modification2022-11-17   09:52
Current version219
Linguistic correctness
Text quality
TitleGenreDate addedRating
Pod drzewem poetry2020-10-29
Tesknota za światlem prose poetry2020-10-31
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Wiosna w wiecznym mieście poetry2020-11-17
Wszystkich Świętych poetry2020-11-27
Ciągły śpiew poetry2020-11-27
Dzień Zaduszny poetry2020-11-03
Nad grobem poetry2020-11-28
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Kiedy czytałem prose poetry2020-11-04
Kręgi ocalenia poetry2020-11-09
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W Dzień Niepodległości poetry2020-11-11
Obraz szpitalny poetry2020-11-12
Nurt Miłości poetry2020-11-13
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Zbłąkani poetry2020-11-14
Pieśń kosmonautów poetry2020-11-17
Kiedy budzą sie demony poetry2020-11-18
Żywe ognisko poetry2020-11-18
O dobro ojczyzny poetry2020-11-20
Jeżeli ziemia prose poetry2020-11-21
W biegu dni poetry2020-11-23
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Rys przemiany poetry2020-11-24
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W sekrecie poetry2020-11-25
Tym, których zwabiono poetry2020-11-28
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Moje ciało, mój wybór poetry2020-11-30
Królestwa poetry2020-12-02
Most braterstwa prose poetry2020-12-03
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Bezludna wyspa prose poetry2020-12-03
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Rusz do przodu prose poetry2020-12-04
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Wzór obrazu prose poetry2020-12-04
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Spojrzeć okiem prose poetry2020-12-05
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Na orbicie prose poetry2020-12-07
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Beczka soli prose poetry2020-12-08
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Ukryta obecność poetry2020-12-09
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Ciemność się wdziera poetry2020-12-11
Ku Źródłu poetry2020-12-12
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Ślady przodków poetry2020-12-15
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Zrozumieć cierpienie poetry2020-12-16
Życie jest tu poetry2020-12-17
Kolęda poetry2020-12-18
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Betlejemskie światło pokoju poetry2020-12-19
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Gwiazda na nieboskłonie poetry2020-12-22
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Zdzwonili się przyjaciele prose poetry2020-12-23
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W lustrze poetry2020-12-30
W obrotach losu poetry2020-12-31
Odkrycie poetry2021-01-04
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Święto Trzech Króli prose poetry2021-01-06
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W liście prose poetry2021-01-07
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Z Ojcowskiej miłości prose poetry2021-01-12
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Awizo poetry2021-01-14
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Obietnica szczęścia poetry2021-01-15
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Złowieni w sieć poetry2021-01-18
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Kamerton poetry2021-01-19
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Patrząc w światło poetry2021-01-22
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Ocean Spokojny poetry2021-01-25
Podążanie poetry2021-01-28
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Na tym padole prose poetry2021-01-29
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Artefakty prose poetry2021-02-01
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Cykl prose poetry2021-02-03
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Bezdomny poetry2021-02-04
Zdjęcie dziadka poetry2021-02-05
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Prorok drogi poetry2021-02-06
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Rodowe drzewo poetry2021-02-08
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Zapytanie prose poetry2021-02-10
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Obraz prose poetry2021-02-12
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Moc pokory prose poetry2021-02-14
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Dar oblicza prose poetry2021-02-15
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Strumyk prose poetry2021-02-16
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Wymiar pokory poetry2021-02-19
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Przesłanie obrazu prose poetry2021-02-19
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Motyw prose poetry2021-02-20
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Spotkanie w ciszy prose poetry2021-02-22
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Króluje z krzyża prose poetry2021-02-23
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Obraz człowieka prose poetry2021-02-25
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Łuna światła prose poetry2021-02-27
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Ludzie na ziemi prose poetry2021-03-01
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W aureoli pokoju prose poetry2021-03-02
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Strony świata prose poetry2021-03-03
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Gwiazd mruganie prose poetry2021-03-03
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Ogień wiolin poetry2021-03-05
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Na krawędzi poetry2021-03-06
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Tok drogi poetry2021-03-08
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W mocy i w słabości poetry2021-03-09
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Kapłan poetry2021-03-10
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Serce dla serc poetry2021-03-11
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Szukając źródła prose poetry2021-03-13
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Poruszenie prose poetry2021-03-15
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Te lata prose poetry2021-03-17
Wspólnota prose poetry2021-03-18
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To co tworzy krzyż prose poetry2021-03-20
W obliczu Prawdy poetry2021-03-22
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Błyskawice poetry2021-03-24
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Kiedy przychodzisz poetry2021-03-24
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Przepływ dobra poetry2021-03-25
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Gdzie twój skarb poetry2021-03-27
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Dar dobrej ręki prose poetry2021-03-30
Obietnice prose poetry2021-04-01
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Nasz dom prose poetry2021-04-02
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Dobre ślady prose poetry2021-04-04
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Klucz do wszechświatów prose poetry2021-04-06
Dobry Ojciec poetry2021-04-07
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Cud życia poetry2021-04-08
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Lot srebrnego ptaka prose poetry2021-04-10
Świąteczna pocztówka poetry2021-04-13
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Demontaż niewiary poetry2021-04-15
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Nie tracić promieni życia prose poetry2021-04-16
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Ludzkie dążenia prose poetry2021-04-18
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Spojrzenie na pojazd prose poetry2021-04-20
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Anioł stróż i człowiek prose poetry2021-04-22
Życie jest trudne poetry2021-04-23
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O dobro Narodu prose poetry2021-04-24
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Ku wyzwoleniu poetry2021-04-26
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W obrazie dziecka poetry2021-04-28
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Więzy prose poetry2021-04-30
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Epizod zdarzenia prose poetry2021-05-01
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Za zasłoną prose poetry2021-05-06
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Warta żołnierska prose poetry2021-05-06
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Zniewolenie prose poetry2021-05-07
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Moc wiary prose poetry2021-05-08
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Jakie drogi, takie progi prose poetry2020-10-28
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Górnik poetry2021-05-12
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Wodogrzmoty Mickiewicza prose poetry2021-05-15
Zaduma nad losem poetry2021-05-17
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Demontaż żelaznej bramy poetry2021-05-18
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Przechadzka prose poetry2021-05-19
W wirze zdarzeń poetry2021-05-20
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Lojalność poetry2021-05-20
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Może to morze poetry2021-05-21
Jutrzenka poetry2021-05-25
Wichry trendów poetry2021-05-27
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Gałązka poetry2021-05-28
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Pieczęć miłości poetry2021-05-31
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Wzrastanie poetry2021-06-04
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Ziarna prose poetry2021-06-07
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Sitwa prose poetry2021-06-08
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To Bóg już był prose poetry2021-06-11
Wirtuoz władzy prose poetry2021-06-14
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Pieśń żołnierska prose poetry2021-06-15
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Przepastne obiecanki poetry2021-06-18
Teraźniejszość prose poetry2021-06-19
Opadają liście prose poetry2021-06-21
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Mecz prose poetry2021-06-22
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W dźwiękach dzwonów prose poetry2021-06-24
Życiowa żegluga poetry2021-06-25
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Moc światła poetry2021-06-26
Nenufary prose poetry2021-07-06
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Wołyń poetry2021-07-13
Kosmiczne loty prose poetry2021-07-14
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Symbioza prose poetry2021-07-16
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Era lotów poetry2021-07-22
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Pejzaż z olimpiadą prose poetry2021-07-23
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Odpoczynek prose poetry2021-07-26
Wolny talerz prose poetry2021-07-27
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Zapora dla nadętych fal prose poetry2021-07-29
Tak bardzo prose poetry2021-07-30
Na okręgu ziemi poetry2021-08-03
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Na końcu świata poetry2021-08-04
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Dotykając tajemnicy prose poetry2021-08-06
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Puszczanie kaczek prose poetry2021-08-07
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Dążenie do ideału poetry2021-08-11
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Siedlisko poetry2021-08-13
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Dźwigając krzyż prose poetry2021-08-18
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Szukając pokoju poetry2021-08-22
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Sonet o świecie poetry2021-08-24
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Z dźwiękiem dzwonów poetry2021-08-26
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Pod wpływem czasu prose poetry2021-08-31
Graffiti prose poetry2021-09-01
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Uczy nas prose poetry2021-09-03
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Chleb poetry2021-09-05
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Jesteśmy żołnierzami prose poetry2021-09-06
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W jedności poetry2021-09-08
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Westerplatte młodych prose poetry2021-09-15
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Dobre ziarno prose poetry2021-09-18
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Organy poetry2021-09-21
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Rdzenie życia prose poetry2021-09-22
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Święto Światła poetry2021-09-25
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Pejzaż z tęczą prose poetry2021-09-30
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Z krzyżem prose poetry2021-10-04
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Negatyw kliszy poetry2021-10-07
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Kotwice prose poetry2021-10-11
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Jesienna zaduma poetry2021-10-15
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Spotkanie prose poetry2021-10-16
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Związek ze światłem poetry2021-10-20
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Harcowniki prose poetry2021-10-21
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Strzec się próchnicy prose poetry2021-10-22
O poranku prose poetry2021-10-25
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Oto władzę dano poetry2021-10-30
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Pomnik prose poetry2021-11-01
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Dojrzewanie prose poetry2021-11-03
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Strażnik sumienia prose poetry2021-11-05
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W ogrodzie prose poetry2021-11-08
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1 listopada 2021 prose poetry2021-11-12
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11 listopada poetry2021-11-15
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Ojczyzna prose poetry2021-11-16
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Słońce goni mrok prose poetry2021-11-22
W ogniu walki prose poetry2021-11-24
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Puls krainy poetry2021-11-26
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W drodze prose poetry2021-11-29
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Pielgrzymi prose poetry2021-12-02
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Tęsknota za światłem . poetry2021-12-04
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Tylko miłość poetry2021-12-07
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Spotkanie z ciszą prose poetry2021-12-10
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Przemijanie prose poetry2021-12-14
Wybór prose poetry2021-12-17
- no ratings -
Kontakt prose poetry2021-12-21
- no ratings -
Za tą bramą prose poetry2022-11-17
- no ratings -
Other volumes by this Author
TitleVolume typeNumber of textsDate added
Etos pielgrzymavolume of poems2002017-10-31
Ojczyste kwiatyvolume of poems2032018-02-09
Otwarta szufladavolume of poems2112019-08-15
Prowadzeni przez gwiazdę niebavolume of poems2112018-06-20
Blaski i cieniemiscellaneous1342019-03-20
To i owovolume of poems2202021-12-27
Promyk śwituvolume of poems642024-06-06
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