To i owo
Number of texts220
Volume typevolume of poems
Date added2021-12-27
Last modification2024-05-31   09:09
Current version244
Linguistic correctness
Text quality
TitleGenreDate addedRating
Obraz prose poetry2022-01-07
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Boże Narodzenie prose poetry2022-01-08
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Pokój otwarty poetry2022-01-11
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W obliczu świata poetry2022-01-14
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Ku źródłu życia poetry2022-01-18
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Za kierownicą prose poetry2022-01-21
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Królestwa świata prose poetry2022-01-24
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Chwila o poranku poetry2022-01-26
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Ożywienie poetry2022-01-28
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Szelest ciszy prose poetry2022-01-29
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Przejście prose poetry2022-02-01
Odgromniki prose poetry2022-02-04
W znaku pokoju prose poetry2022-02-07
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Idąc po śladach prose poetry2022-02-08
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Po szczęśliwe wybory poetry2022-02-11
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Kwiaty św. Franciszka prose poetry2022-02-16
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Światło w wędrówce przez świat poetry2022-02-19
Potrzeba świata poetry2022-02-21
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Orędzie pokoju poetry2022-02-22
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Uderzenie ciosem prose poetry2022-02-24
Plama wojny poetry2022-02-26
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Kakofonia niedźwiedzia poetry2022-03-02
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W jutrzni wschodu poetry2022-03-05
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Człowieku nie pij poetry2022-03-09
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Wychodząc z ciemności poetry2022-03-15
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Łowcze ręce poetry2022-03-16
Pola bitewne poetry2022-03-23
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Tunel prose poetry2022-03-29
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Wątki zycia poetry2022-04-01
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Blaszana paleta prose poetry2022-04-05
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W tych tragicznych chwilach prose poetry2022-04-11
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Dlaczego nie dostrzec prose poetry2022-04-12
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Tulipan Maria prose poetry2022-04-15
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Wiosenne przebudzenie prose poetry2022-04-23
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Bywają tacy poetry2022-04-28
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Święto Flagi poetry2022-05-04
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Co było i co jest prose poetry2022-05-12
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Ku wolności poetry2022-05-14
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Zawirowanie wiosną poetry2022-05-17
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Pokusa pustyni prose poetry2022-05-23
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Pewnego razu fairy tales2022-05-26
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Wojna w obrazie prose poetry2022-05-27
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Dokopali się do bram piekła prose poetry2022-05-28
Miłość na każdy dzień prose poetry2022-06-17
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Drzew arenda poetry2022-06-20
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Roztrzaskany kaganek prose poetry2022-06-24
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Takie zdarzenie prose poetry2022-06-30
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Dziedzictwo prose poetry2022-07-02
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Lawina w dolomitach prose poetry2022-07-08
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Obława Augustowska poetry2022-07-12
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Zdjęcie z Wołynia poetry2022-07-14
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Powołani do wolności poetry2022-07-21
W szponach wojny poetry2022-07-25
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To co jest... poetry2022-07-30
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Godzina W prose poetry2022-08-01
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Kolysanka poetry2022-08-05
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Na fali dziejów poetry2022-08-11
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Święto Wojska Polskiego prose poetry2022-08-16
Nawałnice poetry2022-08-22
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Przechodząc Odrę prose poetry2022-08-25
Ujrzeli i uwierzyli prose poetry2021-12-27
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Pisane wojną prose poetry2022-09-06
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Sece dzwonu prose poetry2022-09-12
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Juz tyle wieków prose poetry2022-09-15
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Na drogach świata prose poetry2022-09-21
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Płaszcz prose poetry2022-09-29
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W tym wieku prose poetry2022-10-05
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Preambuła prose poetry2022-10-10
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Czas jesieni poetry2022-10-12
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Nietykalni humor / grotesque2022-10-17
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Ukryte zwierze poetry2022-10-20
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O wierności prose poetry2022-10-22
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Na bezdrożach poetry2022-10-27
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W gabinecie Ojca prose poetry2022-10-28
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Rozlane miłosierdzie prose poetry2022-10-31
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W dniu Wszystkich Świętych prose poetry2022-11-01
Zaduszki prose poetry2022-11-02
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Żeby było... prose poetry2022-11-07
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Dar lasu prose poetry2022-11-09
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Jasny podpis prose poetry2022-11-11
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Cykl dnia prose poetry2022-11-12
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Exodus poetry2022-11-15
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Pragnienie miłości poetry2022-11-22
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Konstatacja prose poetry2022-11-25
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Intencja poetry2022-11-29
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Czuwanie prose poetry2022-12-01
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Na Barbórkę poetry2022-12-04
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Satyra na Dziadka Mroza prose poetry2022-12-06
Adwentowa wędrówka poetry2022-12-08
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Meteor czelabiński poetry2022-12-15
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Roraty poetry2022-12-21
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Choinka prose poetry2022-12-24
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Patrząc z okna prose poetry2022-12-27
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Nowy Rok prose poetry2022-12-31
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Pasterka prose poetry2021-12-29
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Epifania prose poetry2023-01-06
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Po dary niebem prose poetry2023-01-10
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Chrzest w rzece Jordan poetry2023-01-12
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Moherowe berety poetry2023-01-16
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Gdy światło razi prose poetry2023-01-24
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Dziupla humor / grotesque2023-01-19
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Świętość prose poetry2023-01-24
Kamienie milowe poetry2023-01-31
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Na święto męczenników prose poetry2023-02-03
Patrząc na światło poetry2023-02-08
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Czas z nami poetry2023-02-14
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Wspinaczka poetry2023-02-25
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W Narodowy Dzień Wyklętych poetry2023-03-01
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Zasłona opadła poetry2023-03-04
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Etos krzyża prose poetry2023-03-08
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Nowy Rok nadchodzi prose poetry2021-12-31
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W obronie godności Papieża poetry2023-03-10
W ramionach krzyża prose poetry2023-03-10
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Głos wołającego prose poetry2023-03-13
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Być nośnikiem światła poetry2023-03-14
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Dzwon Ojczyzny poetry2023-03-15
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Ku prawdzie krzyża prose poetry2023-03-16
Niezłomni wojewnicy prose poetry2023-03-17
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Szukając ocalenia prose poetry2023-03-20
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Jutrznia rekolekcji prose poetry2023-03-23
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Wieloryb u brzegu prose poetry2023-03-23
Przyloty i odloty prose poetry2023-03-24
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Przesłanie poetry2023-03-27
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Dojrzale twarze poetry2023-03-31
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Znaki obecności Jana Pawła II prose poetry2023-04-01
Marsz w obronie JPII poetry2023-04-02
Czekanie na pukanie prose poetry2023-04-05
Święta tajemnica poetry2023-04-11
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Szukając spotkania prose poetry2023-04-14
Ognisko ołtarza poetry2023-04-18
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Westchnienie prose poetry2023-04-18
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W erze atomu poetry2023-04-19
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Ku doskonałości poetry2023-04-19
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Rydwan wiary prose poetry2023-04-20
Gałązka duszy poetry2023-04-24
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Zorza polarna nad Polską prose poetry2023-04-25
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Wspólnota wierzących poetry2023-04-26
Wyzwolenie prose poetry2023-04-27
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Kompas slońca prose poetry2023-04-28
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Święto Pracy poetry2023-05-01
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Święto Flagi Narodowej prose poetry2023-05-02
Święto Królowej Polski prose poetry2023-05-03
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Patron podróżujących prose poetry2023-05-06
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Lata dojrzewania poetry2023-05-11
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Przy kapliczce prose poetry2023-05-13
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Do przyjaciela prose poetry2023-05-16
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Dązenia poetry2023-05-17
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Wypłyń na głębię prose poetry2023-05-19
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Moc dobra i zła prose poetry2023-05-23
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W dźwiękach dzwonu prose poetry2023-05-26
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Rozdarcie prose poetry2023-06-01
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O spadającej gwieździe prose poetry2023-06-06
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Proch z prochem prose poetry2023-06-09
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4 czerwca 2023 nonfiction2023-06-10
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Może to przypadek prose poetry2023-06-10
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Nocna zmiana prose poetry2023-06-13
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Jakie wartości prose poetry2023-06-17
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Pod drzewem poetry2023-06-21
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W mocy krzyża poetry2023-06-28
Lato kwiatów prose poetry2023-07-04
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Ścigani prose poetry2023-07-07
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Czlowiek prose poetry2023-07-11
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Kuźnia prose poetry2023-07-18
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Pielgrzymka prose poetry2023-07-24
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Po te perły prose poetry2023-07-24
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Kolejka prose poetry2023-08-03
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Światowe Spotkanie Mlodych prose poetry2023-08-05
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Spotkanie z papieżem prose poetry2023-08-07
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Poranek prose poetry2023-08-14
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Noc z gwiazdami prose poetry2023-08-19
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Środek Europy poetry2023-08-26
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W rocznicę napaści na Polskę prose poetry2023-09-02
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Przy Bramie Pięknej prose poetry2023-09-08
To co jest poetry2023-09-22
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To co będzie poetry2023-09-27
W drodze do Królestwa prose poetry2023-10-09
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Pora dnia poetry2023-10-20
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Wolność księstwa poetry2023-10-25
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Odkryte ślady poetry2022-01-05
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O Wszystkich Świętych poetry2023-11-02
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Dzień Zaduszny poetry2023-11-02
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Oktawa listopadowa prose poetry2023-11-07
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Prestiż świątyni poetry2023-11-09
Puklerz światła poetry2023-11-22
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Pragnienie ładu poetry2023-11-30
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W jasną przestrzeń prose poetry2023-12-09
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Czarne owce humor / grotesque2023-12-20
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Światło żłóbka prose poetry2023-12-27
Boże Narodzenie 2023 prose poetry2023-12-28
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Objawienie Pańskie poetry2024-01-08
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Dwanaście powodów prose poetry2024-01-13
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Głośne kichanie poetry2024-01-25
Podążanie z milością prose poetry2024-01-31
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Kameleony prose poetry2024-02-01
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Kraj Polskiej Wiosny prose poetry2024-02-05
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W obrotach spraw prose poetry2024-02-10
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Gałązka palmowa poetry2024-02-14
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Neokurs prose poetry2024-02-20
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Plener z krzyżami prose poetry2024-02-21
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Ku życiu prose poetry2024-02-26
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Via Dolorosa prose poetry2024-02-27
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Tu i Tam prose poetry2024-02-29
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Ucieczka od wojny fantasy / SF2024-03-01
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Perły Matki Bożej prose poetry2024-03-02
Niedziela ze słońcem poetry2024-03-02
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Biegły Mistrz poetry2024-03-07
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Opieka prose poetry2024-03-08
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O Slońca brzask poetry2024-03-11
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O poranku prose poetry2024-03-15
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Biczowanie prose poetry2024-03-20
Droga Krzyżowa prose poetry2024-03-23
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Na cmentarzu prose poetry2024-04-03
To masz prose poetry2024-04-05
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Taka bywa poetry2024-04-12
Dekalog schodów poetry2024-04-13
W harmonii poetry2024-05-01
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Z tarczą Opoki prose poetry2024-05-09
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W walce o wolność prose poetry2024-05-18
- no ratings -
Oczekiwanie prose poetry2024-05-25
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Przychodzące światło prose poetry2024-05-31
- no ratings -
Other volumes by this Author
TitleVolume typeNumber of textsDate added
Etos pielgrzymavolume of poems2002017-10-31
Ojczyste kwiatyvolume of poems2032018-02-09
Otwarta szufladavolume of poems2112019-08-15
Prowadzeni przez gwiazdę niebavolume of poems2112018-06-20
Blaski i cieniemiscellaneous1342019-03-20
Wolna przestrzeńvolume of poems2042020-10-28
Promyk śwituvolume of poems632024-06-06
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