Ojczyste kwiaty
Number of texts203
Volume typevolume of poems
Date added2018-02-09
Last modification2022-04-01   09:38
Current version228
Linguistic correctness
Text quality
TitleGenreDate addedRating
Z rodakami poetry2018-02-09
- no ratings -
Los człowieka poetry2018-02-10
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Oczy otworzyć poetry2018-02-10
Gdzie twoje serce poetry2018-02-11
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Wiara do rozdania poetry2018-02-11
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Ku mojej obronie poetry2018-02-12
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Błogosławieństwo poetry2018-02-12
Listy Prymasa Tysiąclecia poetry2018-02-13
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Samarytańskie łodzie poetry2018-02-14
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Wybór poetry2018-02-14
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Przemiana poetry2018-02-15
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Na rodaków spotkanie poetry2018-02-15
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Przy świetle odwiecznym poetry2018-02-16
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Na zmartwychwstanie nowych dni poetry2018-02-16
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Odwilż poetry2018-02-17
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W dloniach Matki poetry2018-02-17
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Owoce poetry2018-02-19
Pękniętym sercem dzwonu poetry2018-02-19
Duchowa jedność poetry2018-02-20
Stare i nowe poetry2018-02-20
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Ideały poetry2018-02-21
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Kazałeś nam kochać poetry2018-02-21
Parawany poetry2018-02-22
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Śluby poetry2018-02-23
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Przesłanie poetry2018-02-23
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Barwne skrzydła poetry2018-02-24
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Zawierzenie prose poetry2018-02-25
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Dar poetry2018-02-25
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Scalenie poetry2018-02-26
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Ojczyzna poetry2018-02-26
Do przyjaciela poetry2018-02-27
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O honor rodziny poetry2018-02-27
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Poszukiwanie poetry2018-02-28
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Cud dla świata poetry2018-02-28
Cierpienie poetry2018-03-01
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Senne marzenie poetry2018-03-01
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Dążenie poetry2018-03-02
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Ogrody poetry2018-03-02
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Naród i Kościół poetry2018-03-03
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Spojrzenie na krzyż poetry2018-03-03
Ratuje nas krzyż poetry2018-03-04
Tylko w Nim poetry2018-03-04
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Nic nas nie zadziwi poetry2018-03-05
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Na całą gorycz poetry2018-03-05
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Księga Życia poetry2018-03-06
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Nasze wybory poetry2018-03-06
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Marzenie poetry2018-03-07
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Kiedy radość świeci poetry2018-03-07
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Nie można dłużej poetry2018-03-08
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Na Giewoncie poetry2018-03-08
Otwartość poetry2018-03-09
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Będzie tylko milość poetry2018-03-09
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Radość poetry2018-03-10
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Żyje a nie ginie poetry2018-03-10
Gdzie wola serca poetry2018-03-11
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Z Księgi poetry2018-03-11
Kołyska poetry2018-03-12
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Posyłasz cierpienie poetry2018-03-12
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Dom rodzinny poetry2018-03-13
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Mnie dotknij poetry2018-03-13
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Serce Matki poetry2018-03-14
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Pokolenia poetry2018-03-14
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Okno życia poetry2018-03-15
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Ku światłości poetry2018-03-15
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Taniec chocholi poetry2018-03-16
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Ożywcze pienia poetry2018-03-16
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Ślubowanie poetry2018-03-17
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O poranku poetry2018-03-17
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JESTEŚ poetry2018-03-18
Chwile poetry2018-03-18
Obraz z okna poetry2018-03-19
Walka o świętość poetry2018-03-19
Ludzkie drogi poetry2018-03-20
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Zaduma nad losem poetry2018-03-20
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Człowiek poetry2018-03-21
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Ten świat poetry2018-03-21
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W pieśni życia poetry2018-03-22
Opowieść poetry2018-03-22
Nie pojmuję tych krajów poetry2018-03-23
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Dziedzictwo poetry2018-03-23
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Oczekiwanie poetry2018-03-24
Obudzony poranek poetry2018-03-24
Spadkobierca poetry2018-03-25
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Niekończąca się opowieść poetry2018-03-25
Godność niewiasty poetry2018-03-26
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Aniołowie Jasnej Góry poetry2018-03-26
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Tęsknota za normalnością poetry2018-03-27
Na cudzą wieżę poetry2018-03-27
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Latarnik poetry2018-03-28
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Gra 'olimpijska' poetry2018-03-28
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Przebudzenie poetry2018-03-29
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Śluby jasnogórskie poetry2018-03-29
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Dar życia poetry2018-03-30
- no ratings -
Księga Narodu poetry2018-03-30
Dokąd podążamy poetry2018-03-31
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Szukając prawdy poetry2018-03-31
Na progu nieba poetry2018-04-03
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Ironia losu poetry2018-04-03
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Koronkowa robota poetry2018-04-04
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W Ojczyźnie poetry2018-04-04
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Przeżyte kształty poetry2018-04-05
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Polak poetry2018-04-05
- no ratings -
Dom wszystkich poetry2018-04-06
- no ratings -
Imię poetry2018-04-06
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Wiara w codzienności poetry2018-04-07
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Narodowa zabawa poetry2018-04-07
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Koło historii poetry2018-04-09
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Pochwała wierności poetry2018-04-09
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Skrzydła Jasnej Góry poetry2018-04-10
Latarnia poetry2018-04-10
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Moc wiary poetry2018-04-11
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Na ratunek światu poetry2018-04-11
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Iskra poetry2018-04-12
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Zwierciadło poetry2018-04-12
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Figa bez figi poetry2018-04-13
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Graffiti poetry2018-04-13
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Wybory poetry2018-04-14
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Lekcja poetry2018-04-14
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Gdy prawo jest bezprawiem poetry2018-04-16
Nic się nie zmieniło poetry2018-04-16
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Latawiec poetry2018-04-17
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Wiara wiosną poetry2018-04-17
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Pragnienie szczęścia poetry2018-04-18
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Klarowanie poetry2018-04-18
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Na polach zwycięstwa poetry2018-04-19
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Fortepian poetry2018-04-19
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Fortepian II poetry2018-04-20
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Poranne notatki poetry2018-04-20
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Obraz poetry2018-04-21
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Ojczyzno moja poetry2018-04-21
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Wezwanie poetry2018-04-23
- no ratings -
Pod krzyżem poetry2018-04-23
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Wiosenne westchnienie poetry2018-04-24
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Ogień cierpienia poetry2018-04-24
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Egoizm władzy poetry2018-04-25
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Wstęp nonfiction2018-02-22
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W promieniach światła poetry2018-04-26
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Troska o wiarę poetry2018-04-26
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Witraż poetry2018-04-27
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Polska poetry2018-02-09
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Fotografia poetry2018-04-28
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Flaga poetry2018-04-28
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Wołanie poetry2018-04-30
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Za szczęściem poetry2018-04-30
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Kardiogram poetry2018-05-02
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Mieć czy być poetry2018-05-02
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Na wszystko jest czas poetry2018-05-04
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W pogoni za szczęściem poetry2018-05-08
W cieniu tragedii poetry2018-05-09
Przędza polityka humor / grotesque2018-05-10
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Wiatr wieje poetry2018-05-10
Uchylone drzwi poetry2018-05-11
Orbitowanie poetry2018-05-12
- no ratings -
Marzenia poetry2018-05-14
- no ratings -
W porach dnia poetry2018-05-15
Zdarza się czasem poetry2018-05-15
Most krzyża poetry2018-05-16
- no ratings -
Podcinanie korzeni poetry2018-05-16
- no ratings -
Ewangelia poetry2018-05-17
- no ratings -
Echo czynów poetry2018-05-17
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Zatrzymany w biegu poetry2018-05-18
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Czy zdążymy poetry2018-05-18
Nie łatwo byc sobą poetry2018-05-19
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Ptak w świątyni poetry2018-05-21
- no ratings -
Była cieniem poetry2018-05-21
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Kłosy poetry2018-05-22
- no ratings -
Chciałem poznać poetry2018-05-22
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Nieść uśmiech poetry2018-05-23
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Atrybut wiary poetry2018-05-23
Moje miasto poetry2018-05-24
Obroty poetry2018-05-24
Perspektywa poetry2018-05-25
Nie obcy nam poetry2018-05-25
Przydrożny krzyż poetry2018-05-26
Łajba poetry2018-05-28
Ziemia się kręci poetry2018-05-28
Bohater komiksu poetry2018-05-29
- no ratings -
Podają różę poetry2018-05-29
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Jeśliby nie istniał Bóg poetry2018-05-30
Chwila poetry2018-05-30
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Złota godzina poetry2018-06-01
Kiedy jest niedobrze poetry2018-06-01
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Bieg po strój poetry2018-06-02
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Zauważyć znaki poetry2018-06-02
Idąc pod prąd poetry2018-06-04
Ciało i dusza poetry2018-06-04
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Wodne lilie poetry2018-06-05
Przesyłka poetry2018-06-05
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Dysonans władzy poetry2018-06-06
Ludzie czynu poetry2018-06-06
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Lustro poetry2018-06-07
- no ratings -
Dobroczynna rosa poetry2018-06-07
- no ratings -
Wspinaczka poetry2018-06-08
- no ratings -
To oczywiste poetry2018-06-09
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W dążeniu do celu poetry2018-06-11
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Tajemnica poetry2018-06-11
- no ratings -
Wezwanie do rzemiosła poetry2018-06-12
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Nadstawianie policzka poetry2018-06-12
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Moc światła poetry2018-06-13
- no ratings -
Bez maski poetry2018-06-15
- no ratings -
Exodus poetry2019-12-09
Idąc pod prąd (2) poetry2020-01-10
- no ratings -
W sieci poetry2020-08-28
- no ratings -
Other volumes by this Author
TitleVolume typeNumber of textsDate added
Etos pielgrzymavolume of poems2002017-10-31
Otwarta szufladavolume of poems2112019-08-15
Prowadzeni przez gwiazdę niebavolume of poems2112018-06-20
Blaski i cieniemiscellaneous1342019-03-20
Wolna przestrzeńvolume of poems2042020-10-28
To i owovolume of poems2202021-12-27
Promyk śwituvolume of poems722024-06-06
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